
The amazing harry houdini
The amazing harry houdini

the amazing harry houdini

He began primarily with card tricks, and called himself the “King of Cards” at that time. Houdini the Magician and Escape ArtistĪs a magician, Harry got off to a rough start and struggled to make a living for himself and wife Bess. The name Harry might have likewise been tribute to Harry Keller, though it likely simply adapted from the short name for Ehrich, Ehri.

the amazing harry houdini

He would continue practicing boxing, Jiu Jitsu and other sports into his adulthood.Įhrich would also discover his passion for magic in his youth and adopted the last name Houdini as an homage to his then-idol Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin (who he later would become highly critical of). He then went by the stage name of “Ehrich the Prince of Air.” He would continue practicing boxing, Jiu Jitsu and other sports into his adulthood. Houdini arrived with his family in the US in 1829 and took on the name German version of the name Ehrich Weiss.Įhrich was a keen athlete in his youth a successful cross country runner, a boxer, a gymnast, and even taking on a job as a trapeze artist at the age of just 9. One of his brothers, Theodor, would also go on to perform his own escape acts. Harry Houdini was born Erik Weisz in Budapest 1874, and was one of seven children. And in this post, we will take a look at Houdini’s training, his lessons, and his life story. In some ways he had more in common with the strongmen of his day: The Mighty Atom and muscle control maestro Maxick. Moreover, many of Houdini’s best acts had little to do with illusion or misdirection and much more to do with an incredible command over his own body and mind.

the amazing harry houdini

In fact, Harry can be considered a polymath having also been a prolific writer, Hollywood actor, aviator, and inventor of at least one patented invention (a specialised diving suit). Harry Houdini is widely regarded as one of the greatest magicians, escape artists, and showmen of all time.

The amazing harry houdini